The Education Fund

Elevating Efficiency: The Transformation of The Education Fund

Abelian Services Provided:
Launchpad: Implemented and Customized
Workforce Development for Healthcare

The Challenge:

The Education Fund, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing education services such as financial aid, career counseling, and training to members of the Service Employees International Unit (SEIU), was struggling with program and form management across multiple platforms.

This fragmentation led to inefficiencies, causing unnecessary difficulties for learners and career counselors alike.

Problems Faced:

  • Fragmented Program and Form Management: The Education Fund struggled with managing programs and forms across various platforms, causing inefficiencies in their processes.
  • Abelian Steps In:To solve these problems, we implemented a custom version of the Launchpad platform tailored specifically to The Education Fund. With a focus on Case Management, Grant Management, and Career Management tools, we aimed to streamline The Education Fund's application process and enhance the user experience for all stakeholders involved.

The Solution:

  • Learner Communication Hub: We created a dedicated communication hub within the Launchpad platform, moving away from email-based correspondence.
    This hub included a notification feature for action items, a progress tracker for training plans, and an easy-to-use interface for personal data updates and document uploads.
  • Career Counselor Tools: For career counselors, our platform enabled direct document uploads from learners, an effective notification system for follow-ups, and comprehensive reporting functionalities.
    The platform also included engagement creation tools, counselor assignment features, and a communication hub for tracking and sending emails or call logs.

The Results:

Improved Learner Experience:

The application process for learners was dramatically improved, enriching their experience with The Education Fund's services.

Enhanced Career Counselor Productivity:

The platform addressed the unique needs of career counselors, increasing their internal productivity and easing day-to-day operations.


Your Salesforce Partner of Choice: Abelian

Our successful collaboration with The Education Fund demonstrates our commitment and proficiency in providing tailored tech solutions to suit any organization's unique needs. We understand that every client has different requirements, and we stand ready to unleash the potential of your operations through intelligent, user-focused technology solutions.

Start Your Transformation Today:

Is your government or non-profit organization facing challenges with fragmented program and form management like The Education Fund once did?

Don't let inefficiencies hinder your mission. Let Abelian's expert team implement and customize the Launchpad platform to streamline your operations and enhance the user experience for learners and career counselors alike.

Contact us today for a complimentary consultation, and let us analyze your unique needs to design a tailored solution that elevates efficiency and productivity.

At Abelian, we are committed to providing intelligent and user-focused technology solutions that empower non-profit organizations to achieve their goals.

Tired of operations problems?

Let Abelian help you unlock your organization's potential with our tailored Salesforce solutions.
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