Salesforce Customer Success Stories: The Reason We Love What We Do

Salesforce Customer Success Stories: The Reason We Love What We Do

How often do you take the time to reflect on the importance of your work and your underlying reason for why you do it? This spring I will have been with Abelian for two years and as that anniversary approaches, I can’t help but stop and think about what brings me to work every day.

As a marketer joining the Abelian team, I wasn’t overly familiar with all of the complexities required for a SI & Salesforce implementation firm’s success. Now having been with the team for nearly two years, I have a tremendous understanding of all the different pieces that need to harmoniously work together to really see the vision of success through, not only as a consulting firm, but for our clients.

At Abelian, we truly are defined by our customers' success. This is what drives us every day to put our all into everything we do. Especially this past year, as we continue to work through the pandemic, I think about how grateful I am that we are able to provide digital services for businesses; many of which fall under the essential business category.

Several teams had to become more streamlined and digital than ever before; and they had to move quickly. We were able to be there for them amidst these uncertain times, ready to take on complex implementations to bring teams where they needed to be; fully digital. We removed the headache of manual processes that many organizations previously had grown accustomed to in the traditional non-remote office environment. Throughout all of this, it has especially made me proud to think of the teams we have helped become more digital and scale their organization, in particular, our partners under the essential services banner. As we start to see the light at the end of the tunnel in the pandemic, I’d like to take a moment to bring the spotlight to some of our customers providing critical infrastructure to our society, and how we helped modernize their teams.

How We Transformed Essential Services Teams: A Snapshot Into Winning Salesforce Customer Success Stories


Bergelectric, a leading electrical contractor with its headquarters based out of Carlsbad, California, recently celebrated their 75th anniversary on February 1st, 2021. Bergelectric essentially helps power our communities as one of the nation’s largest electrical contractors. They assist businesses with electrical construction through well defined blueprints for electrical operations. Further they provide complete electrical solutions with electrical installation and maintenance to ensure high performing safe and reliable electrical systems for businesses and communities. As an essential service, they provide critical daily building infrastructure through their electrical systems. We are proud to be a partner to the Bergelectric team and show our appreciation for what they do for our communities by providing essential electrical support and feature them as one of our Salesforce customer success stories. Ultimately, Bergelectric needed a higher level of technological support to provide greater insight into their work orders that were managed all over the nation in order to keep their teams streamlined.

Discover how we empowered their team with a custom Salesforce configuration of Salesforce Field Service to help the team automate their sales process, maintain work order management and easily transition their opportunities to clients.

Envent Corporation

Envent Corporation, another essential service provider, is the industry leader for vapor, mobile degassing and water solutions. Envent has truly separated themselves in their field as experts in environmental services. Their area of specialization gives them the power to help support municipalities and businesses meet necessary regulatory requirements that keep our communities clean and safe. Previously, Envent Corporation was utilizing manual dispatching services which were time consuming and outdated. Field technicians were manually assigned work through emails and phone calls. Their previous mobile application was inefficient and lacked offline capabilities, resulting in technicians failing to update records in real-time. As technological equipment continued to advance and operational softwares entered the marketplace, it became clear Envent Corporation needed to modernize its organization. Since their application did not offer a robust mobile solution, Envent Corporation turned to Abelian to configure Salesforce Field Service for their Salesforce ecosystem. Envent’s unique implementation allowed for scheduling and mobile dispatching to be simplified and productivity to be maximized.

Uncover how Abelian supported Envent Corporation in creating exceptional customer connections and delivering the best in onsite service with a 25% increase in productivity.

Salesforce Customer Success Stories like these truly remind us of the reason why we love what we do. At Abelian, we are extremely humbled to be able to make an impact with teams from all industries, and especially essential service teams throughout the pandemic. We are honored to partner with our clients, not just for today, but for the lifetime of their business as they scale and take their organization to new heights with technology. If you’re looking for a team to modernize your business and aren’t sure where to start, reach out to us , and we can provide you with a free mini Salesforce strategy session.


Kayla Hasler is the former Digital Marketing Manager at Abelian. A versatile marketing professional that brings a wide breadth of experience to her role.